Regular Stories

Things you usually hear in the morning.


Can’t believe we’re already 10 months in in 2022! I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s having time adjusting to that fact, but I feel like I’m still practically stuck in 2020. My life has stopped moving with the world. It probably had something to do with seeing and doing the same things the…

Wishing for Better Days

I was so stressed out today. There have been so many personal responsibilities that I had to attend to, and I felt like all of it could have been dealt with better if we had another person in – a sib (which is certainly impossible now) or a helper. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO…


I feel like I’m generally stuck in life. I have a good paying job, but I feel like I’m not enjoying life as much as I want to. I feel like I have so many things holding me down to be able to do the things that I wanted to do. Things that I have…

The Universe Saved Me

Two weeks in, and I’m still in awe of how amazing the Universe worked its magic to turn things great for me. The Universe saved me; I am one of the lucky ones. The last couple of years have been tough, to the point that I’ve grown so desperate and anxious towards what direction life’s…

An Interview Question I Came to Ponder On

Out of boredom today, I found myself looking at available work opportunities, both freelance and corporate. It was an effort I knew I wouldn’t fully pursue, but did anyway since it could kill time. Anyway, I saw one interesting ad where I felt I would fit so I clicked the application form. As I was…


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