New Job!


I confirmed last Friday to GABC HR that I will be accepting the job offer. After some months of taking numerous interviews, sending CVs, and intense prayers, I finally landed a job that is not BPO! No more night shifts and stressful, sleepless nights! For those of you who don’t know, I had my last day with IBM in April, primarily because of the work shift. I was actually planning about the separation since September, 2014, but I was in a good team and I handled very good clients that parting made it difficult. Plus, I had a great manager, and he was great in making me feel important. Here’s a photo of my last day at work (this was 3 months ago – sorry I’m not a daily blogger haha)


All smiles!

Anyway, it was really difficult to shift industries. I guess HR folks screen people by the specific skills they are looking for. Like for example – I had good people and client management skills, but when I applied for an inventory position, they were looking for someone who has inventory management background. Surely I’ve never done such in IBM. Same with the different jobs that I applied for – mostly in retail. Even if I was one of the top performers in my previous company, I felt that it was irrelevant for them. So as time went by, I narrowed down my options, to the point that I questioned myself if I should go back to BPO. My goals were shaken for a second, but then I realized it would be beneficial for long term if I would shift as early as now. So I kept on searching, took on interviews, spent money on gas, killed time waiting patiently for time insensitive interviewers, and voila. Now I am about to embark a new journey in the retail industry!

Thank God for this opportunity and I hope I grow more in this line of work.

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